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Senator Susan Collins Voted Yes

As you know the Senate just passed a big tax reduction for corporations and the very wealthy and gave all the rest of us increases in the cost of health insurance by eliminating the individual mandate.

Unfortunately Senator Collins voted yes.

The Maine system of electing by a plurality vote has helped give us this sort of dysfunctional government.

And as you may know our ranked choice voting law for electing Maine candidates to the US Senate is not in conflict with the Maine constitution and replaces the plurality system with electing by majority vote.

But our state legislature has voted to, in effect, kill ranked choice by their vote to delay enactment for 4 years, to 2021. You can probably guess why!

That’s why it is so important for us to Veto that bad decision and enact ranked choice voting now.

We have a deadline of December 15th to gather a total of 61,123 signatures and veto the legislator’s vote. We are over half way there, but need your help too.

Around 400 people across the state are collecting signatures from family and friends and even canvasing neighborhoods in their towns for people to sign petitions to Veto the legislator’s vote and restore ranked choice voting.

For example, in about two hours yesterday, in one spot, Emanuel Pariser, gathered 27 signatures on a petition form he is circulating. When he called to report his signature count he seemed surprised at how many people wanted to sign a petition form and hadn’t yet had the chance.

Brad Sherwood has gathered a large number of signatures in just one neighborhood.

If you haven’t had an opportunity to sign a petition form in your town or want to gather signatures there, I can help. Call me for circulator forms and instructions about how to gather signatures.

Jim Chiddix – 680-9288

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