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Elections Are A Team Sport

Election of representatives to govern in our behalf should not be a team sports event.

Winning in sports is everything and winning is at any cost, including corruption. Buy the best players, the best coaches; attract the most backer money, use the best trickery, just to win.

The two major political Parties have degenerated into political sports teams and work to win elections at any cost.

In order to win, the two major political Party teams seek the most backer money, Gerrymander voting districts, close primaries, discourage voters from going to the poles, and win an election by a simple plurality of the votes. They seek to win at any cost, including through the corruption of money in the process and then decide winners in an archaic Electoral College process.

Election of representatives to govern us should not be about political Party teams winning. Elections should be about the spectators winning. The spectators are all of us voters.

We accept the idea that majority rule is fair, but cannot achieve fairness in elections because our political process of electing by a plurality and not a majority has caused the process to degenerate into a Two Party system.

The Two Party system by which we are governed is unable to act in the interest of the people because of partisan politics that leads to deadlock. Even numbers in any governing body is always troubled by deadlock. So in practice more often, odd numbers are selected to govern, to avoid deadlock.

In our elections one or the other political Party may win but the people never win, because neither of the two major political Parties represent a majority of the voters, so a majority never wins. Following every election the majority is always subject to the minority in office.

The solution is to establish a Unicameral form of government in which there can be only one political Party, the Party of the people.

Or we could decide elections aren't going to be a political team sport event by, ending Gerrymandering, opening primaries, abandoning the Electoral College, ending the plurality system and then choose winners by a simple majority of the vote without regard for political Party.

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