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Andre Cushing, ALEC Subversive

Andre Cushing, R-Newport, assistant majority leader in the Maine legislature is also the Maine State chairman and a board member of the reviled and secretive American Legislative Council, ALEC.

This subversive national organization writes model legislation favoring the wealthy and other special interest groups to the disadvantage of everyone else. They remain secretive so that voters will not know about their insidious efforts to subvert our democracy.

ALEC writes model legislation and then has their gullible members, like Andre Cushing and Maine State Senate President Michael Thibodeau, sponsor the bill in our state legislature. (Thibodeau, if not now a member has been a member of ALEC in the past)

As can be noted by the breadth of ALEC interference in what ought to be the democratic process of representative government, how could anyone not understand that this subversive organization is responsible for the huge gulf between the haves and the have-nots?

How can we be assured that our interests are served instead of those of ALEC if our legislature has secretive ALEC members like Cushing and Thibodeau working against us?

If our legislators do not have the ability to intelligently write legislation themselves, that serves the interest of Maine people but instead have to depend on the secretive ALEC organization, then that legislator ought to not be allowed to remain in office.

It should be a top agenda item for voters to show any legislator to the door, if that legislator becomes a member of ALEC.

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