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Ignorance or outright lying?

I remember saying I hoped Trump would win the election so that those who believed his outlandish promises would find out that he is a con-man and can’t or won’t fulfill his promises. He made all his outlandish promises out of shear ignorance about almost everything related to the power of the presidency. He didn’t know there is something called the balance of power. He apparently doesn’t understand that the House holds the purse strings.

He has shown that he clearly is ignorant of International diplomatic affairs, ignorant of how our central government works and even ignorant of how FISA works concerning wiretapping. His blundering will continue to make this country the laughing stock of the world, with the sort of unbelievable fantasies he spreads.

There is not even a slim chance Obama wire tapped his New York palace. He either imagined it or was fed the conspiracy theory by Fox news nut case Andrew Napolitano, or by ex-Breitbart chief conspiracy theorist Steve Bannon.

Now he has been persuaded to support Paul Ryan’s elitist proposal for replacing the train wreck that is Obamacare with something much worse, tax credits. This radical idea will eventually bite those that voted for him and unfortunately millions of others as well.

Trump doesn’t have knowledge of almost anything beyond real estate developing, beauty contests and reality TV shows. But he is a master at persuading the uninformed that he can do the impossible.

He constantly demonstrates a personality disorder that is a rising danger to all of us. He is thin skinned and will react mindlessly if provoked. That will be clearly demonstrated soon as more and more people challenge his radical pronouncements. That’s because he has a narcissistic personality disorder as defined by the Mayo Clinic. That is;

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it.

  • Exaggerating achievements and talents

He has further endangered our country by putting an anti-renewables oil man in charge of the energy department, a climate change nay-sayer in charge of the environmental protection agency, a person opposed to increasing the minimum wage in charge of the labor department, an anti-public school person in charge of the education department and a Goldman Sachs trained person in charge of treasury. Now his health and human services chief is opposed to helping those who can’t help themselves.

He obviously isn’t a Christian, because don’t Christians believe in helping those that can’t help themselves?

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