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“The world is a mess and I can fix it.” (Donald Trump)

CBS evening news, February 2, 2017

Donald Trump, has said he will single handedly fix the world mess. He has demonstrated how well can do this by the way he is fixing our Democracy by his actions in just over a week in office.


  1. Plans to dissolves the Affordable Care Act without a replacement

  2. Discriminates against people by race.

  3. Suppresses descent by the press

  4. Muzzles administrative departments and agencies

  5. Told department and agency workers to get with the program or find another job.

  6. Nominating an ill-informed candidate for Secretary of Education

  7. Nominating a climate change denier to head the Department of Environmental Protection

  8. Nominated and oil man to head the Energy Department and dumped restrictions on dirty coal

  9. Nominated an anti-labor candidate to head the Department of Labor

  10. Nominated a Secretary of State that has no diplomatic experience or training.

  11. Removed the Johnson amendment that provide for a separation of church and state

  12. Plans to ram through a ultra-conservative candidate for the Supreme Court

  13. Insulted China, Mexico, Australia, Seven Muslim nations and Russia

  14. Threatened countries around the world he will get tough with them if they defy him






obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.


delusions of grandeur, folie de grandeur, thirst/lust for power;

self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness

"he's blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost"

delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder)


New York Times columnist and Pulitzer Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman believes there are only two ways Donald Trump’s presidency can end: Either with his resignation, or the death of democracy.

In a tweet storm posted on Tuesday morning that analyzed the events of the past few days — such as the anti-immigration executive order that sparked chaos last weekend and the president’s continued assault on media outlets who don’t give him positive coverage — Krugman said that there was simply no way that a president with Trump’s authoritarian tendencies can coexist with our constitutional republic.

In other words, writes Krugman, either Trump goes or our democracy does.

“Given the rate at which things are coming to a head, “President Trump” — the sort-of legitimate head of a republic — won’t last long,” Krugman writes. “Either he or the republic, in any meaningful sense, will be gone quite soon. I have a hard time seeing one year, let alone four.”

What this means, Krugman says, is that absolutely no one should collaborate with Trump — even if they happen to agree with him on a particular issue. The threat to democracy that Trump represents, according to Krugman, is too great to risk giving him legitimacy.

“Anyone considering working for or with this White House — Senators, officials, businessmen — shouldn’t,” he concludes. “Either you’re going to go down with a disgraced president, or you’re going to be complicit in the death of democracy. Just say no.”

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