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Sister…yes, you can and you must.

This week's Call to Action is a bit different. We wanted to share a letter and list of ideas of how to get involved, written by Senator Cathy Breen (D. Falmouth) after the march in D.C. this past weekend.

I bought the plane tickets in August. I wasn’t going to miss the inauguration. I had made photocopies of the November ballot because my name was on the same ballot as Hillary’s! I was going to be there to watch history be made. I was fired up and ready to go to Washington, DC!

Then Trump won. And I cried.

Honestly, I was not fired up and ready to go to the Women’s March on Washington. But I did. As did countless hundreds of thousands of us who had cried in November. But the day after Trump's inauguration, in cities across the globe, we sang together. We chanted. We embraced each other and promised to take care of each other. We made another kind of history last Saturday, and I was humbled and honored to take part.

Now what?! Please indulge me in some suggestions for some concrete ways to build strength and improve the structures that support the Democratic values we all share.

Call to Action: Senator Cathy Breen’s Top 10

  1. Run for office. If you're a woman, visit for classes that teach campaign skills to Democratic women. Too many women demur, and say, “oh, I could never do that.”

The MDP will soon be recruiting candidates to run for local office in 2017. If you, or someone you know is thinking about it - email the Party to let them know.

  1. Jump in and volunteer at your local level. Pay attention to your school board, your town council. (Find them here). Help Democratic candidates in your community win local races. The Maine Democrats' county committees are a good place to start.

  2. Say “yes” when asked for help, even if the job seems too small. This work is neither sexy nor glamorous, but it’s also not rocket science. Pick something you can manage, but pick something.

  3. Find some legislative bills to support and come to Augusta to testify. Visit to research proposed legislation. For instance, I’ve submitted a pay equity bill modeled on the bill that passed in Massachusetts last year. If you can’t come, write a letter.

  4. Don’t be a purist. We all probably agree on large majority of “the issues.” Build on that and let the other stuff go.

  5. Pick an issue and get involved. Environment? Health care? Economic equity? There is no shortage of advocates all over Maine who need your help. Use your favorite search engine and reach out.

  6. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper.

  7. Talk directly with voters. I knocked on 7,000 doors last election cycle. How about you knock on 100?

  8. Keep in touch with your local Democratic officials and be a resource to them. Find your Representative and Senator.

  9. Talk to people who don’t agree with you. Actual people. See their humanity and share yours with them.

Thanks for all you do. -Senator Cathy Breen - District 25 1-25-2017

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