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New Year's resolution, Resist

Thousands of women demonstrated in the Capital the day after the Trump regime was handed control of our government. Could this be the beginning of years of struggle against the reversal of all the gains in our society made over the last many years? Denigration of women by Donald Trump is well worth demonstrating against. Many advances in society will be reversed that likely will take years to redo. Below are just a few of the possible reversals we can expect. These changes should also at the top of the list against which we shall resist.

  • The Affordable Care Act will be gutted and killed without a replacement

  • Medicare and Medicaid will be farmed out to the health care insurance industry

  • Social Security will be dumped into the lap of the Wall Street Banksters

  • Deregulation of business, banking and commerce will go on steroids

  • Renewable energy projects will be ended

  • Dirty coal and oil fired power plants will be restarted

  • Infrastructure will not be repaired

  • Millions will be spend on a border wall.

  • The US will withdraw from the Paris climate agreements

  • Diplomats will be recalled from Marrakesh, Morocco ending the clean air agenda

  • The military industrial complex will be wallowing in money

  • Troops will be sent into the Middle East to conquer ISIS

  • The US will withdraw from NATO and the UN

  • Russia may be allowed to have military bases in Cuba

  • Cubans will not be allowed to immigrate to the US

  • Sanctions will be reimposed on Iran

  • All so-called Free Trade agreements will be nullified, or scrapped

  • The pasty faced North Korea dictator will be invited to the White House

  • All gay marriages could be nullified

  • Marriage may be required to be between a man and a woman

  • Aborting pregnancy may not be allowed for any reason

  • Gun laws may be nullified

  • Safety net programs like food stamps may be ended

  • Minimum wage laws may be eliminated

  • Thousands of undocumented aliens could be thrown out of the country

  • All citizens who look like Muslims will be put on watch lists

  • No Muslim mosques will be allowed

  • Troops may be sent into cities that have gang shootings and violence

  • The "corrupt" press will be threatened.

And RESIST we will!

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