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Elect President by Popular Vote

By now everyone should know that Donald Trump did not win the popular vote but won the election. Trump won more than 270 electoral votes nationwide because of one thing only. That one thing is something called “winner takes all.” In “winner takes all” States whichever candidate receives a majority of the popular votes, or a plurality of the popular votes, (less than 50 percent but more than any other candidate), takes all of the state's Electoral votes. As many votes as 49 percent of the popular votes in “winner takes all” States are in effect, voided.

The rust belt States of Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana and Pennsylvania, all “winner take all” States, are very populous States with lots of electoral votes and thus actually chose Donald Trump for all the rest of us in the entire country. “Winner takes all” voided all Democrat votes in those five States and thus the popular vote became irrelevant. “Winner takes all” subverts the popular vote. (All States but Maine and Nebraska use “winner take all” for electoral votes.)

“Proportional representation is the principle that a legislature should reflect all of the voters who elect them. Like-minded voters should be able to elect representatives in proportion to their number. In contrast, most elections in the United States are winner-take-all: instead of reflecting all voters, our legislators reflect only the biggest or strongest group of voters that elected them, leaving all others unrepresented. The use of winner-take-all voting methods in our elections for legislatures and Congress is a central reason for major problems with our politics: gerrymandering, partisan gridlock, no-choice elections and distortions in fair representation all have roots in the inherent problems of winner-take-all methods.” (Fair Vote)

Because choosing a president of the United States is done by national election, The election of a president for this country should be by popular vote therefore making the Electoral College irrelevant.

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