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Money Talks

We're told to not let the fox get into the hen house.

But it's too late, the fox is already in the hen house. The chickens weren’t expecting such a wily fox as the fox Donald Trump has turned out to be. The chickens are obviously the entire sitting US Government and many of the Trump voters.

Donald knew the president wasn't included in the conflict of interest rules. The Republicans didn't seem to know that. So now, we've got a problem, Houston.

Donald also knew he didn’t have to disclose his income tax returns. And, there actually wouldn't have been enough time to sell all 500 companies before he is the sitting president. Selling big companies is very complicated and time consuming. You would think someone in the Republican Party would have thought about that. Or do they really care about these complications?

Trump may actually turn the operation of his businesses over to his children to "run" but having his children run his business empire will not be an arm’s length arrangement. He will still run his companies while he presumes to be president.

Maybe there is hope. There’s that pesky thing called the constitution. And there is a small thing called the “Emoluments Clause.” “…no person holding any office of profit or trust under” the United States “shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

But, I forget. Congress is controlled by Republicans. You don’t suppose they will give him

consent to accept emoluments? He didn't curtseyed to their every command during the election, he told them to go jump in the lake.

Oh well, we will just have to suck it up. The Republican held Supreme Court has already redefined articles of the constitution to allow corporations to have human person rights and proclaimed that money talks. Oh yes, money does talk, Donald Trump is now the President Elect of the United States. The Fox is in the hen house.

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