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"Our Revolution" came to town

Monday 11/21/16 Bernie Sanders on his book tour visited Books-a-Million in South Portland. Can you find Don Smallidge in the crowd?

A few MMPF members were there, possibly just to see Bernie, but in many cases to buy a signed copy of his book, "Our Revolution."

Don, our MMPF Newsletter editor, IT manager and Saleh Tea forum aficionado was seen being warmly greeted Sanders.

Marilyn Canavan was cornered and interviewed at one point by a TV news channel Paparazzi.

Around 600 copies of Bernie's book were pre-bought before the event.

The “Our Revolution” movement continues based on the Sanders Manifesto. We will never know for sure, but it is very likely Bernie would have drawn Trump supporters away during the election and would have won.

That possibility should have impacted heavily on the Democrat establishment. However, the tsunami of unpredictable voter preference during this cycle has stunned the Party establishment, the media, many voters and likely many political observers around the world.

The only group that doesn’t seem to have recognized that politics is no longer run of the mill is the old guard political establishment of both major parties. They reacted to the "revolution" by packed their leadership with old guard members for the up coming session.

There are a number of movements, besides the Our Revolution, underway to seek changes in our political system. Just to name a few, Represent Us, (, Open Primaries ( and “Occupy Democrats” (

The first two, Represent Us and Open Primaries, have agendas that correlate closely with MMPF objectives. Therefore it would be to the advantage of MMPF to organize a chapter of Represent Us and also actively promote Open Primaries. Send me your thoughts or comment on this post.

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