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Make your vote really count

The American Anti-Corruption Act is model policy that sets a framework for city, state and federal laws to fix our broken political system. It fundamentally reshapes the rules of American politics and restores the people as the most important stakeholders in our political system. An Anti-Corruption Act has three primary goals:

  • Stop political bribery so special interests can’t use job offers and donations to influence politicians.

  • End secret money so people know who’s buying political power.

  • Fix our broken elections so the people, not the political establishment, are the ones in control.

People just like you are organizing across the country, forming Represent.Us chapters, and passing local Anti-Corruption Acts. Sign up to help protect your community from corruption and build power toward our national victory.

Everyday Americans stepping up in the fight against corruption are the sole force driving this movement! Together, we will pass the American Anti-Corruption Act and fix America's corrupt political system

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