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We can fix the problem

In communities across America, Represent.Us members — conservatives, progressives and everyone in between — are working together to pass local Anti-Corruption Acts. Member-led Represent.Us chapters are leading the fight to protect our communities from the corruption that plagues Congress.

Every town, city, state, and county has a unique political makeup, so every Anti-Corruption Act is uniquely tailored to the needs of each community.

Every municipal and state Anti-Corruption Act creates common-sense ethics, conflict-of-interest, transparency, and campaign finance laws. State Acts create the opportunity for federal candidates from that state to campaign on the anti-corruption platform — accountable to their constituents, not special interests.

Candidates who win election on this platform have a built-in incentive to champion Anti-Corruption laws in Washington, D.C. (because that’s what got them elected). Every state we win gets us one crucial step closer to passing the American Anti-Corruption Act in the federal government.

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