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Neuter Citizens United

We should form a "Represent US" chapter in Mid-Maine Progressive Forum. My recommendation is based on the fact that this chapter would lend stature to MMPF by linking up with a national non-profit organization of more than 600,000 members. It is a well-funded organization by both many foundations and hundreds of individuals. Represent Us,

Chapters are composed of small groups like ours at the local level. The main goal of the organization is to help pass state anti-corruption legislation that in effect neuters the Citizens United decision that allows the funneling of many millions of dark money into local elections.

The anti-corruption legislation has passed court tests and has been implemented in many states around the country.

One feature of the legislation limits how lobbyists are allowed to function. A lobbyist may contribute but not lobby, or lobby but not contribute. In that way candidates aren’t beholden to the entity that tries to buy themselves a candidate.

Ten million dollars of outside money was spent in Maine this past election year, much of it dark money. Likely it was to help pass question one, legalize marijuana and defeat question three, close the gun registration loop hole.

There are two Web sites that will provide answers for those wanting to know more.


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