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The establishment isn't listening

One might think that the Democrat establishment would have learned something from the

election after their partisan leader Debbie Wasserman Schultz pulled a fast one on Bernie Sanders and then they, the establishment, lost the election. But no, the establishment Democrats still don't understand why they lost the election. Here's a clue they have begun to look just like the Republican establishment.

The Democrat establishment didn’t get the message Bernie Sanders gave them. That is, that the entire country is sick and tired of establishment politics in Government. The two major political parties are identical in their numbness to what the people want and need. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump each knew and look what happened. Bernie identified establishment failings. But Trump fed the flames of his followers by verbalizing their hatreds.

The Democrat establishment, (read, Debbie Wasserman Schultz), was so intent on putting up a woman just because she was a woman, instead of a candidate that could win and that turned out to be a big mistake. After that, Clinton had the chance to make Sanders her running mate and might have won, but the establishment had other ideas, they wanted the good guy Virginia governor Tim Kane, likely because he carried no baggage.

So now the Democrats could have pulled some of the newcomer voters into the fold with the huge Bernie following, by making him Minority leader in the Senate. But no, the dummies had to choose Chuck Schumer, sometimes pal of Wall Street just like Hilary and the rest of the Democrat establishment.

So since Bernie has been rejected by the Democrat Party isn’t it time for all the die hard Democrat voters to abandon the Democrat establishment and become “unenrolled?” It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to imagine that Bernie would follow our lead and join us. That would be a good name for a Party, the Unenrolled Party.

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