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Time for action is now!

Mid-Maine Progressive Forum – Mission Statement

  • Influence public policy and support progressive politicians.

  • Participate in local affairs for the purpose of providing a foundation to support progressive politicians at all levels of government.

  • Write letters to the editor and speak out on issues of the day.

Following the most corrosive political campaign in decades or possibly in the history or our country, time is wasting for action to put in place measures to head off another election debacle.

There are only forty eight months until the next presidential election.

In keeping with the Forum mission statement, an important effort now would be to “influence public policy” concerning how elections are held in Maine.

Now that Ranked Choice Voting has been approved by the citizens, steps need to be taken to make RCV even more effective in improving the process of electing our representatives.

Open Primary

A first step in that process is to insure that all candidates have a level playing field in elections. Therefore our efforts should begin by working to replace state wide partisan caucuses and primaries with an open primary election process.


A second step is to work to change the way Maine electors are selected for the Electoral College.

An effort to influence change for these two items alone will require an intensive and costly effort for each of us individually and should be our sole focus in the coming forty eight months before the next presidential election.

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