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The threat next door

The chubby, diminutive, immature leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Il, has a big gun (nuclear weapon) and is engaged in a childish tantrum about US sponsored sanctions. He may be driven by a need to show “no fear” of perceived threats.

Remember when it was popular for frightened, immature young people, especially young men, to post the “no fear” message in their vehicle rear window. While most young people eventually grow out of their youthful insecurity others do not overcome their fears until much later in life. Perceived dangers and fearful insecurity leads some to unrealistically believe that carrying a concealed weapon will provide protection.

The carrier mistakenly believes the concealed weapon is the “great equalizer” in a confrontation. Few will ever face dangerous confrontations unless they place themselves in unsafe situations, for example, “partying” with persons carrying concealed weapons that have brains and judgment addled by recreational drugs.

Threats are met with equal threats. Strike a person and that person will likely strike back. Those exhibiting an argumentative, confrontational nature, having long experienced assaults brought about by their bullying may also be motivated to carry a concealed weapon for “protection.” An example of this type was evidenced when the Governor, a well-known belligerent, confrontational type, felt the need to publically display his concealed weapons permit.

A vast majority of people do not threaten each other, but instead treat each other with respect and therefore seldom find themselves in confrontations. A vast majority does not find it necessary to carry a concealed weapon. They have overcome their fearful insecurities.

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