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Religious beliefs equal political beliefs

Among friends and family, talking about politics and religion is not recommended. Indefensible, deep seated beliefs lead to angry responses instead of enlightened discourse. Even indisputable facts fail to sway religious and political believers.

When those beliefs do not impact others they are of no concern. There is concern when those beliefs impact others as in requiring schools to simultaneously teach both intelligent design and evolution, theories that are factually mutually exclusive.

Despite the inadequacy and inappropriate generalization of the terms “liberal” and “conservative” they do identify deep seated political beliefs. The impact on others of deep seated political beliefs is much more insidious than are deep seated religious beliefs.

Although not universal among all conservative political believers, the intent and effort to deny the, “right to life” for the pregnant mother, is ongoing. These political believers also overtly work to deny health care to millions which effectively is a death sentence to many.

They are currently working to defund the Affordable Care Act without a replacement. Their logic in doing that is baffling.

Their belief that the Second Amendment gives them rights to possess an automatic weapon solely intended in war to rapidly kill many enemy soldiers in just seconds is inscrutable. They seem unable to understand that owning these military type weapons when used to murder people actually denies the “right to life” to those they kill.

Their foggy thinking in attempting to limit health care to the needy also limits mental health treatment and intervention for those that actually use these military weapons for murder.

Their limited ability to connect the denial of life with opposing background checks for transfer of mass murder weapons is an enigma. The answer most certainly has to be their unenlightened, indefensible political beliefs. It is foolhardy to use facts to dissuade their myopia.

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