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“The Web has become a cesspool of aggression and violence…”

That‘s what Joel Stein has written about in Time magazine, (Aug/2016) He says the Web is (akin to) a sociopath with Asperger’s (syndrome) and the sickness is attributed to on line Web trolls.

Joel identifies Web trolls as “monsters who hide in the darkness and threaten people on line.”

“Psychologists call this the online disinhibition effect, in which factors like anonymity, invisibility, a lack of authority and not communicating in real time strip away the mores authorities spent millennia building.”

Facebook is often one of those Web cesspools, depending on what one posts. Posting photos of family, food and travels doesn’t attract Web trolls.

But opinions about almost anything else can awaken the trolls and cause a sudden avalanche of vitriol exhibiting their juvenile lack of self- control and both limited knowledge and limited verbal skills.

Their verbal character assassinations are regularly and liberally lacing with the “F” word attributed to a limited vocabulary and/or a total disregard of the respect for others that is necessary for a civil society.

Now consider the current lack of civil discourse and character assassination that saturates this election cycle. It is the same sort that Web trolls regularly engage in.

The incivilities of Web trolls, on-line, have raised the benchmark for irresponsible rudeness and disrespect for others.

This sort of civil disorder has spread like a cancer in society. Aberrant behavior is now common place and there can be no turning back to a civil society.

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