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Donald Trump doesn't want to be president

Why would a billionaire like Trump want to be president? It isn’t for the money. It isn’t a yearning to live in the White House.

He has mansions of his own that make the White House look like an outhouse.

It isn’t because of an altruistic need to do good for the people. His mentally challenged irredeemables are of little concern to him. There isn’t much he could do about legislation except sign or veto, because legislation is what Congress does or mostly doesn’t do. Trump doesn’t want to be decider in chief, standing in for George W Bush, because there is nothing to decide.

Trump has all the answers and doesn’t need to decide. He will just act on his superior knowledge about all things. Clearly, Trump doesn’t want to be president.

He wants to be king. Kings have long been known as all powerful tyrannical authoritarians. Trump wants that.

As King he would have his Generals join his pal, Russian, ex-KGB dictator Putin, and then Nuke Islamic state fighters wherever his loyal Generals can find them.

King Trump is surrounding himself with loyal subjects. Paul LePage openly supports dictators.

He has come out of the closet to support Trump for King.

As a gutter fighter, LePage must have had been secretly knighted by Trump because he now speaks about how great it would be to have a dictator for King. And, would be King, Trump, must have chosen LePage to be secret police chief to root out and kill welfare dissidents, jail all Hillary supporters and anyone else speaking out against tyranny.

But on the other hand, LePage is handicapped by an inability to think rationally and may have prematurely spilled the beans about Trump’s plans. So now, when Trump is crowned King by the Republicans, LePage could be behead, because that’s what dictators do to underlings that get out of line and prematurely spill the beans, or speak out of turn. Hail King Trump, long live the King. (I say this, to avoid beheading myself, for exposing loyal subject LePage as head of tyrant Trump’s secret police)

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