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What's causing all this radical weather?

A layer of gas high above our heads is trapping heat here on earth. That gas is being put there by farm animals, our burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants, and factories and from geothermal gas releases (volcanos). Accumulating gas is also growing in small amounts from millions of humans themselves that inhabit the earth and in larger amounts from other natural occurring methane sources like those brought about by melting ice caps allowing the frozen methane sources to thaw.

The heat is without question causing our weather to radically change and causing ocean levels to rise as ice caps melt. Coastal cities will soon be flooded and ultimately uninhabitable, driving people to relocate to higher ground inland.

Hurricanes and tornados continue to grow in size. Oceans continue warming causing more sea life to die off or migrate northward. Drought continues causing water shortages and crop failures. Famines will increase like those in arid regions of Africa. Mass human migrations northward and southward away from the increasingly super- hot equator, will grow. And yet, unbelievably, there are some who don’t recognize or won’t acknowledge that these radical changes are occurring.

Our planet has reached the point of no recovery. “… there might not be a future for humanity on this planet…This is the fight of our lives...because it is, in fact, the fight for our lives. All of us.” (Schuyler Brown)

If before the end of the next century, all sources of gas productions have been reduced and prevented from further adding to that amount already above our heads, there may still be some life forms able to survive on a hot dry planet. But, it might not be human life. It would be extremely difficult for life forms of today, human, vegetable and animal to survive in a hot, dry, hostile environment, that can’t sustain the food sources, natural occurring water and habitable shelter necessary for human life.

“…nine Fortune 500 companies announced plans to switch to sourcing 100% renewable energy, joining a growing group of corporations recognizing the risks of climate change.” (Time magazine) Even this effort, by itself is insufficient to stop the earth’s death spiral. Are you listening Governor LePage? And are all the other Republicans and nay-sayers listening? Not likely!

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