Joe Klein writing for the October issue of Time magazine shines a little light into the enigma of why anyone would think that Donald Trump would have what it takes to be president of these United States.
Joe went to hillbilly country in Ohio and among other things found that Trump supporters there are angry that government does not work for them. For example Nathan Kitts, owner of Rowdy’s Smokehouse restaurant is outraged about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health-insurance system. Jason Gillum a local insurance agent agreed with Nathan and said maybe the government should get the private insurers out of the way. These are two Trump “Republicans” talking, imagine that.
Republicans wanted insurance companies in the ACA. That highlights one of the primary examples of how government doesn’t work for the people. The Affordable Care Act likely is the greatest boondoggle of this century in so many ways, thanks to both political parties.
Unaffordable private insurance premiums coupled with eye popping deductibles refute the term “affordable” and actually creates catastrophic insurance instead of health insurance. But that’s not all. There are no price restraints by ACA on greedy health care providers, especially the pharmaceuticals. By comparison, Medicare does restrain some greed. But now is losing some of that restraint power because the ACA is corrupting the system.
Hospitals may be the greediest of all. For example biologic infusions, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, among many other maladies have increase by fifty percent since the ACA was implemented, going from billings of $5,660 to $11,892. Many hospitals mark up prices five hundred percent. The EpiPen®, epinephrine injection, was increased from around $100 to $600 in a matter of weeks.
This sort of outrageous raping of sick people by the health care industry is just one example of a non-government. So Trump supporters, sick and tired of a system that doesn’t work for them, created by two political parties owned by big money, may think a demagogue can fix the mess made by the political parties.
These Trump supporters mostly are not old school Republicans, just as Bernie Sanders supporters are mostly not old school Democrats. Clearly a new wave of anti-political party sentiment is happening. The future of these two political parties is very cloudy. The future of the current form of our non-government is even cloudier.