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Clinton's Trump Problem

This guest essay examines ways that Donald Trump frustrates Hillary Clinton. The essay was posted on Peter's web site.

Hillary Clinton declared, “Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?”

Clinton added, “Well, the choice for working families has never been clearer. I need your help to get Donald Trump's record out to everybody. Nobody should be fooled!"

Clinton’s message is not reaching Donald Trump’s supporters because Trump’s universe isn’t that simple. Trump’s universe is a fear-based sea of emotions. He demonizes Muslims as a worldwide conspiracy bent on destroying America. He stereotypes immigrants as drug dealers and rapists. He refers to African-Americans as unemployed criminals and killers. Trump’s universe is a tapestry of lies full of emotion, fear, and hate.

Clinton’s intellectual arguments built on years of legal and government experience are like dark matter in Trump’s universe. Trump paints his universe in a repetition of simplistic ideas filled with crude remarks meant to assert control and mastery. Trump ignores logic because he wants to stir up hate and anger; not insight. Trump responds to his critics by attacking their patriotism and their honesty. Trump’s followers are immersed in the emotions of his appeal; they do not care that his proposals are often meaningless and empty. In Trump’s universe Clinton’s critiques are just background noise.

Clinton can hold onto her base with an intellectual approach, but she needs a more emotional appeal that attacks Trump’s vulnerabilities. Clinton’s message showing Trump as a poor role model to children is good, but the audience is limited.

Clinton can make her message more visceral and more real way by attacking Trump’s stop-and-frisk plan, for example. Police are reportedly still using stop-and-frisk tactics to intimidate young men in black communities. The tactic is dangerous, discriminatory, and should be troubling to everyone.

If Clinton broadens her messaging with hard-hitting emotional appeals she may just crack Trump’s universe.

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