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The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I got to watch live stream the introductory meeting of Our Revolution through

Eli's computer (more up-to-date than mine). We both found his presentation

amazingly clear, inspiring and as usual, with his eye clearly on the prize.

From the first he said that this was way more than about Bernie, it was really about

us, and it is. There was no way Bernie was going to run as an Independent or

endorse one of the fringe third-party candidates (who in my opinion are a total

waste of time and present no path to real change in our system).

He could not take the risk of a Trump presidency which would be an absolute disaster for us

all. From the first Bernie took the high road. He is a true mensch and by far the

best presidential candidate in my lifetime.

He ran a superb campaign, so good, that if it had been a fair fight, he would have won against

all odds. But, in fact, the odds were insurmountable because it was in no way a fair fight, as we

now know and has been documented.

Bernie is a realist and he now has a real power base from the Senate, especially if, as seems

increasingly likely, the Democrats re-take the Senate (and maybe even the House?!). He must

use that base to keep his fellow Democrats on as progressive a track as possible and to do real

incremental good from his new position of strength.

He does not have the luxury of leading a revolutionary organization, or doing anything to jeopardize

his real standing from the inside. The organization, however, will help him find more

progressive candidates who, over time, can strengthen his position and move the

party in the right direction.

Fortunately, Trump's self-immolation now seems totally out of control and

irreparable. He will do long-standing damage to the Republican Party. He will be


This offers huge potential openings for at least some realignment of

real power. It also offers those of us who are rightfully troubled by Bill and

Hillary Clinton some opening to vote our conscience this time around. If Hillary

is safe, as now seems likely, I will write in Bernie.

I am prepared to write a letter to the editor to appeal to others to join in with me. It may not be

what Bernie wishes, but it is what I need to do. And at the same time, I need to get

involved locally and with the Democratic Party to the extent that I can stomach;

also perhaps to campaign for ranked choice, which while no panacea, seems as if

it will improve the process.

I know it is a time-worn revolutionary cliche by now, but it seems in this case

to apply: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And then

another. And then another.

So that's my two cents for what it is worth.

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